Lisa Michele Holt, Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, has been in practice as a healthcare provider for more than 25 years. She is board certified through the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). Her Integrative Medicine practice involves patients who require complex strategies for acute and chronic, multi-focal conditions. Her specialties include immunology, neuro-endocrinology, systemic inflammation and infectious diseases with a functional and bio-regulatory approach to treatment.
Dr. Holt has served as a medical educator for Deseret Biologics, a medical bio-regulatory and homeopathic company, since 2016 where she educates health care providers on homeopathic strategies for Lyme Disease with her innovative triad of assessment, diagnosis and priority based treatment.
Dr. Holt’s method of triangulating levels of dis-regulation has been valuable for practicing physicians nationally, and internationally. She has a personalized training program for the healthcare professional who is interested in the intricacies of electro-dermal screening, assessment and care planning, along with the application of functional and bio-regulatory theories for intervention and treatment.
She has served as a post graduate professor at Logan University in Chesterfield, MO where she teaches Chinese Medicine diagnostics, internal medicine and acupuncture procedures. Dr. Holt has spoken to the national landscape as a guest on syndicated talk shows such as Dr. Christine Horner’s The Radiant Health Show, Ed Jones’ Vital Health Radio, and The Robert Scott Bell Show. Dr. Holt has earned privileges within hospitals and long term care facilities as an Integrative Medicine provider and licensed Acupuncture Physician who works alongside other physicians, anesthesiologists, nurses, social workers, pastoral services and nutritionists to provide functional and integrative patient centered care. She is a proud member of ILADS and attends conferences on a regular basis to further her knowledge in infectious disease trends. Dr. Holt serves on the board of Invisible Disabilities, a non-profit with a mission of educating and connecting people and organizations touched by illness around the world. Dr. Holt has volunteered in several medical missions at home and abroad and continues to support the people of Humla, Nepal in their desire to rebuild schools and educate their children.